Interesting Beverage Packaging

This cocktail was to be made interesting to a female audience. This package also lined up with the Tet holiday in Vietnam, and Cointreau requested we consider this in the design. 
To communicate Tet, we developed a Tet inspired pattern to literally line the inside of a feminine handbag-like pack. We felt this solution effectively communicated a feminine touch to the Tet holiday. Being greatly inspired by Cointreau's heritage, we developed classic look for the devices which contained the messaging."

07 22 2013 CointreauLimitedEditionPack 5

Coco Cola Introduce an amazing way to interact with its product  

The "Share Can" is a marketing tool only at this stage.

Just by changing the orientation of the text and using a new font the can is eye catching and fun.

The Box tie beer can utilises the new shape to promte the brand

Naked Beer has an amazing graphical cue of the glass full of just poured beer to entice the eye.

The "Good ol' Sailor" Vodka is printed with traditional tattoo designs for a unique shelf appearance.

"Lolea" is made from either white or red wine and the graphic is bold and uniquely recognisable but still ultimately a family product

I love teh simplistic design of black on white and the way it looks like it was just slapped on with a paint brush. its unique and upto date for todays market.

The rebranding of Schepps dairy products is sleek and of so simply beautiful.

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