Happy pets - Purina so cute Graphic

Its amazing what a simple graphic and a great story at the right price can do! As well as being social media savvy.

Affordable brands and private labels are redefining value with the shift in the current economic climate. Be Happy was developed to fill this niche, enabling price-wary consumers to spend less and still feel satisfied with what they buy for their pets.
Whether a cat or dog, Be Happy celebrates pet ownership through two delightful Happy heroes. Designed to face each other on the display shelf, their smiles and winks speak for the "Be Happy" philosophy to shoppers.

"The two characters represent pets everywhere who like to tease, laugh, and snuggle. In the world of Be Happy, food is the fuel for the simplest everyday things that warm the hearts of pet owners. With the help of these little guys, Be Happy earned more than 100K Facebook fans within two months of launch!
Logo, characters, and packaging were designed by the Nestle Purina Design Team. We hope the Be Happy will grow beyond a pet food brand into a lifestyle label fostering love and care between pets and their owners."
Designed by Purina

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